August 5th, 2011


We Invite You To Our…

Many of my readers have noticed my blog seems to be ‘inactive’ lately…monthly…well since last year. The reason being, I was busy preparing for my wedding that took place this past July! There was a ton of work that my fiancé and I have to do to get our wedding off the ground in time for the big day.

Part of my responsibilities was putting together the wedding invitations. I had a super idea but I wasn’t too sure if I could pull it off in time for the mail out. Being a cartoonist and previously working in the film industry I thought it would be super cool to put together a card that had some of those elements in it but remaining classy enough to be a wedding card. Our theme for the reception was titled “Elegance & Illustrations” so I thought of putting a red curtain inside the card that the invitee would rise up to reveal the invitation, kind of like a pop-up book! I also wanted to project the invitation using a simple flashlight on the wall, so that the card itself becomes a mini movie theatre. Could I do that? Yes, I could!

Shown above are four rough drafts of the pop-up theatre theme in many stages of completion. There were at least a dozen or more ‘rough’ cards created from scratch that I used to create the final printed wedding invitation. Tomorrow you will see the final product and I can’t tell you how exhausting it was to put each card together by hand myself. But it was well worth it, the fiancé/bride loved it dearly!

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  1. Judy

    Wow! Thank you for putting in so much effort Damian! I loved it! 🙂

  2. Jumping Toaster

    Anything for you Judith! 😛